A very successful entrepreneur once said to me that I’m a rare breed because I am able to be both a Manager and Entrepreneur at the same time.
The truth is most entrepreneurs are not good managers, managing a team of employees.
I’m not talking about being in a micromanagement position but being flexible to business growth while managing people.
If you are a business owner, here are 4 ways to be a good manager and entrepreneur at the same time…..
1. Be clear who is doing what, why & when – this gives you clarity and structure.
2. Have a constant checklist so nothing gets missed.
3. Touch base during the day with your employees and with your business vision.
4. Do not be responsible for cash/money alone – be accountable to someone else.
It can be intimidating when you don’t know something and you don’t know how especially in business. It can mean the difference between complete success and failure.
Thats why you need to be in constant learning.
Take time to work, it is the price of success.
Take time to think, it is the source of power.
Take time to play, it is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time to read, it is the foundation of wisdom.
Take time to be friendly, it is the road to happiness.
Take time to dream, it is hitching your wagon to greatness.
Take time to laugh, it is the music of the soul.
Let me tell you, it ain’t easy to build anything that is of value. Don’t be fooled by the promise or thought that it’s easy. It’s not easy, that’s why everybody (can’t) no – won’t do it! Success requires focused effort and a flat out desire to win regardless.
What it’s not: it’s not about waiting for things to happen, it’s not about blaming others for why it didn’t happen, it’s not doing it when you feel like it, it’s not waiting until you have all the money together, it’s certainly not putting it off year after year.
More importantly, it’s about serving others but being paid too. What it IS about is NOT making excuses, paying the price then doing it over and over. That’s how winning is done! My advice…….
ASK for help!
Sometimes you have to talk to yourself!……
Tell yourself it’s going to be OK.
Tell yourself God has your back.
Tell yourself there is always a way, tell yourself it’s for a reason or tell yourself “I am stronger than this and I choose to LIVE”!
This one is to encourage you today that egardless of how you feel, you should ALWAYS…. go out and LIVE LIKE A CHAMPION.
To your success!
Camilita Nuttall – Founder & CEO of Event of Champions